Fig 1

Fig. 1 (See "El Nino Tectonic Modulation in the Pacific Basin", 2001)
Recent Investigations in the Pacific Basin (Fig. 1) linked to El Nino are published in proceedings of the Marine Technology Society and can be found under the publications link on our company web page. Investigations in the Banda Triple Junction -1999 (Fig. 2 and 3); the Australian Antarctic Discordance -2000 (Fig. 4 and 5); and the Easter and Juan Fernandez Microplates -2001 (Fig. 6 and 7), are examples of studies necessary for creating numerical tectonic modulation components for climate modeling using Geostream Surge Theory.
Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig. 2 and 3 (See "Modeling Mantle Dynamics in the Banda Sea Triple Junction:
Exploring A Possible Link To El Nino Southern Oscillation", 1999)
Mantle Modeling of stream flow and mantle vortex analysis on a global basis provide a general circulation model of Earth's mantle and determine asthenosphere counter flow consistent with lithosphere crustal motions. Mantle viscosity change, and heat release associated with Core-Mantle-Boundary-Events (CMBE) provide critical elements to surge tectonic modulation of climate flux models and solar coupling. Geomorphic analysis of earthquake and fault patterns, density and heat flow models, seismic profiles, magnetic lineaments, gravity and terrain models, conductivity, general geology and structure provide a rigorous review of the pertinent geophysical parameters for Mantle Modeling development.
Fig 4

Fig 5

Fig. 4 and 5 (See "The Australian-Antarctic Discordance:
Pressurized vs. Non-Pressurized Ridge System", 2000)
Geophysical Investigations of tectonic features linked to climate modulation prove valuable in coupled General Circulation Modeling of Earth's Mantle, Ocean, Atmosphere, and Solar Plasmasphere flow. Investigations discern gravitational and magnetic field change, heat exchange, and other tectonically induced factors affecting ocean and atmospheric pressure, temperature and circulation. Geophysical background investigation of tectonic models, frameworks, fault systems and general structure are analyzed to develop new Geostream Surge Theory models consistent with current plate models and modern geologic interpretations.
Fig 6

Fig 7

Fig. 6 and 7 (See "El Nino Tectonic Modulation in the Pacific Basin", 2001)